2017 PDA Annual Meeting: Beyond the Count
Authors & ContributorsRebekah ByrneDavid ExlineEmily Landsperger
Authors & ContributorsRebekah ByrneDavid ExlineEmily Landsperger
Authors & ContributorsDavid Exline May 13, 2012 This webinar covers the forensic investigation process for paint and tape evidence. Topics include the most current methods used for today’s investigators and discuss the interpretation of paint transfer evidence. Case studies related to the analysis of duct tapes, automotive and architectural paints…
Drug release speed is determined by the complex relationships between the polymer matrix used, the layer thickness, membrane permeability, if any, and the content and concentration of drug. When…
Download our webinar on working to address the FDA critical path opportunity for generic nasal spray suspensions.
Download our webinar case studies on foreign particulate analysis as a critical aspect of pharmaceutical manufacturing and nonconformance investigations.
June 04, 2013 Authored by Oksana Olkhovyk, Ph.D., at Gateway Analytical , this poster presents new qualitative and semi-qualitative methods for the examination of size and polymorph drug particle identification in finished products. Specifically, its benefits for BA/BE testing is described using the model of fluticasone-containing nasal spray suspension formulation.…
According to a 2007 report Measuring Trends in the Development of New Drugs: Time, Costs, Risks and Returns by J.A. DiMasi, companies spend an estimated $1.2-$1.3 billion on research…
Download our webinar on ensuring quality inhalation products with wear debris analysis of medical devices.
Gateway Analytical announced that they will be exhibiting at the 15th Annual Contract Pharma 2016 Contracting and Outsourcing Conference in New Brunswick, New Jersey on September 22-23, 2016. The conference…
Gateway Analytical will promote its gunshot residue analysis and other forensic trace evidence examination services at the 2013 FDIAI 54th Annual Education Training Conference in Miami, Florida. The conference is…