Strategies for Biowaiver Application for Generic Nasal Sprays
Authors & ContributorsDavid Exline
Authors & ContributorsDavid Exline
Authors & ContributorsAntonio ScatenaFebruary 04, 2014
Authors & ContributorsCara PleseAntonio Scatena May 17, 2012 This webinar covers the collection, documentation, and forensic analysis of condom lubricants and sexual assault evidence. Scientific principles and current methods of condom lubricant analysis are covered to help investigators review and present in casework. Case studies related to the use of condom…
Download our webinar on in depth analysis of particle contamination for inhalable drug products to find the root cause analysis of foreign particulate matter.
Authors & ContributorsDavid ExlineMarch 26, 2014
Glass delamination is a phenomenon which can occur in parenteral drugs stored in glass containers. By interaction of the drug product with the vial surface, the glass surface will sometimes…
Next Breath and Gateway Analytical will present their OINDP Webinar Series for Dry powder Inhalers (DPIs), pressurized Metered Dose Inhaler (MDIs), and Nasal drug products which are complex delivery systems…
Authors & ContributorsRebekah ByrneDavid ExlineSeptember 17, 2015
Download our webinar on structuring your materials characterization with raman spectroscopy.
Authors & ContributorsDavid Exline May 13, 2012 This webinar covers the forensic investigation process for paint and tape evidence. Topics include the most current methods used for today’s investigators and discuss the interpretation of paint transfer evidence. Case studies related to the analysis of duct tapes, automotive and architectural paints…