Determining Metal Cleanliness Using SEM-EDS


The need for metals cleanliness in the automotive industry has increased in the last decade. As technology continues to evolve, automotive part suppliers are increasingly being compelled to follow more stringent fluid system purity standards. Metals cleanliness is an important component to meeting these standards.

Analyzing automotive parts for cleanliness aids parts manufacturers in monitoring and/or isolating any contamination, including abrasive materials. Manufacturers who experience abrasive material contamination in fluids have experienced significant revenue losses due to production stoppages, increased failure rates, recalls and warranty costs. These types of situations are making metals cleanliness testing a high priority for parts manufacturers and the automotive industry as a whole.

Automated scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is an essential technique for analyzing possible contamination. Automated SEM provides individual particle size, shape and composition, along with a particle size distribution as a whole, for inorganic and metallic particles. Customized reports that follow ISO 16232 guidelines are also provided to help determine the next steps for automotive part suppliers seeking to remediate contamination issues.

Participants of this webinar will learn the definition of metals cleanliness, the technique of automated scanning electron microscopy, how SEM is used to analyze and monitor metals cleanliness and how the resulting data is useful to the automotive industry.

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