What Police and Attorneys Need to Know about Gunshot Residue Analysis


This webinar was designed for police and attorneys and built upon the information provided in our previous webinar, “Forensic Analysis of Gunshot Residue for Police & Attorneys.”  During this webinar, our presenters provided police officers with tips on the proper collection for gunshot residue  analysis, as well as, the methodology used to analyze and interpret the data utilizing automated scanning electron microscopes (SEM).  Our presenters also took attendees into the courtroom, providing attorneys with insight into the significance of gunshot residue evidence during a case, and what implications can be made from this type of evidence during expert testimony.

Highlighted Topics Covered

  • Tips for proper evidence collection methods for gunshot residue
  • Detailed information on methodology and interpretation of automated SEM data for gunshot residue analysis
  • Significance of gunshot residue evidence to a case
  • Implications that can be made from this type of evidence

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